
Archive for the ‘Salads’ Category

pork belly and spinach salad

More than Justin Timberlake’s dancing, more than 30 Rock, I love roasted pork belly. There’s nothing more amazing then biting into a hefty chunk of belly, with the fat melting in your mouth and the meat exploding with flavour. Done right, it can be beautifully sinfully delicious.

“Sinful” is the operative word here. So I thought I could “healthy” things up a bit by having it as a salad (although with the amount of fat intact and the oil-rich dressing, it may not quite be the best thing to eat when you’re on a diet). It’s easy to make and quite fuss free; just marinate, roast, then slice it up and toss with the salad.

sliced pork belly pork belly closeup

Porkgasmically delicious. Check out the layers of fat!

And here’s the recipe:


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